In this episode we examined issues related to the reproductive rights of women athletes beginning with a brief historical perspective on the tensions around perceived risks and threats that sports participation posed for women in the late 19th and 20th centuries and issues women athletes face in the 21st century including women athletes rights under Title IX in terms of pregnancy and parenting; problematic issues associated with tracking the menstrual cycles of women athletes; and how access to bodily autonomy and reproductive freedom impact women athletes and women’s lives in general.

Panelists: Leila Abolfazli, J.D., Director of National Strategy on Abortion Rights, National Women’s Law Center

Bayliss Fiddiman, J.D., Director of Educational Equity, Senior Counsel, National Women’s Law Center

Lindsey Darvin, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Syracuse University

Jaime Schultz, Ph.D., Sport Historian, Professor, The Pennsylvania State University

Elizabeth Sorensen, Ph.D., R.N., professor, Wright State University and co-author, NCAA Pregnancy and Parenting

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An Ithaca College Park School of Communications and High Tops Media Podcast

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